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Croatia Has Chosen Its Representative For The 68th Eurovision Song Contest Rim Tim Tagi Dim

Eurovision 2024: Rim Tim Tagi Dim to Represent Croatia

Croatia has chosen its representative for the 68th Eurovision Song Contest: Rim Tim Tagi Dim.

The band won the national selection show Dora with their song "Baby Lasagna."

Rim Tim Tagi Dim is a Croatian band that was formed in 2020. The band consists of four members: Vedran Žufić (vocals, guitar), Pavle Trubić (guitar, vocals), Petar Drljević (bass guitar), and Josip Škarica (drums). The band's music is a mix of pop, rock, and folk.

In 2023, Rim Tim Tagi Dim released their debut album, "Rim Tim Tagi Dim." The album was a commercial success in Croatia, and it spawned the hit singles "Zagreb" and "Baby Lasagna."

As the winner of Dora, Rim Tim Tagi Dim will represent Croatia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. The contest will be held in Liverpool, United Kingdom, on May 13-15, 2024.
